Voodoo Doll
The Voodoo Doll [Voodoo Doll]

Important note: the voodoo doll will not be useful to you unless you have a sheep thief! Indeed to function you need to have the wool of the sheep whom you want to affect.

A voodoo doll is an item not a container. The Voodoo Doll and the Voodoo container are 2 dependent but different things: the Voodoo container is a special container while the Voodoo Doll is a special item (resulting from the transformation of the Voodoo container into an item).

How to get a Voodoo Doll

First it is necessary to buy a Voodoo container from the Enchanted Shop. You will not see them if you don't have a magic cave.

Then it is necessary for you to mix together, in a Voodoo container, the following ingredients:

Once the ingredients are validated, this will change into an item: a Voodoo doll!

What do I do now I have a Voodoo Doll?

If you click on the voodoo doll in your small "special Inventory" (Sheepfold), you arrive on a page which is, to some extent, your "Voodoo Laboratory". (Recall: the target of the voodoo doll is the sheep from whom you stole wool.) You now have 3 ways of attacking the target:
At the instant you click on one of the 3 parts of the doll, it is destroyed. Here is a table showing the possible types of attacks with a voodoo doll and the consequences for your victim:

Place Victim You
Head Loss of horns of victim
Fall of morale (-10)
Increase spite index (10)
Belly (1) Pregnant Ewe
Fall in morale (-15)
Fall of father's morale (-5)
Increase spite index (50)
Belly (2) Other than pregnant ewe
Fall of morale (-5)
Increase spite index (1)
Feet Infection of feet
Energy divided by 4
Fall of morale (-10)
Increase spite index (10)

N.B.: If the shepherd of the victim sheep has the bonus "Resistance to Voodoo", this effect will resist your attack (but your Voodoo doll will nevertheless be destroyed).
Original French version Moutonking.
Translated on 5 April 2009 by barbmac.