Umbrella |
Allows you to walk your sheep in the rain by reducing the chance that it will catch cold in the event of bad weather. Lasts for 6 days. |
Immun. RW mushrooms |
Lasts 6 days and shows you that your sheep are protected against red and white harmful mushrooms. |
Immun. orange mushrooms |
Lasts 6 days and shows you that your sheep are protected against harmful orange mushrooms. |
Resistance |
This temporary bonus appears if you give bio hay or vitamins to your sheep. (Certain breeds of sheep have a permanent bonus of resistance). |
Daddy Soon |
Your ram is influenced by the arrival of a newborn, his heart balances between the joy of becoming a father and the anguish due to the new responsibilities. |
Pregnant |
Appears in ewes expecting a lamb. Adds 2 pts to morale. Gives a malus of -30% to resistance. |
Insect Trap |
A bonus which one obtains upon placing a honey pot in one's sheepfold. It allows the diversion of dangerous insects from your sheepfold and lasts 8 days. There is also a one in eight chance for the insect to remain stuck and die. |
Growth : |
The sheep benefits from a bonus of x% in growth. |
Quality |
Certain breeds such as angoras benefit from a bonus which gives several points in wool quality. This enables them to exceed 20/20. |
Sociable |
Your sheep likes the company of others and knows how to behave in a group. It also has a certain imposing presence and will more easily be able to cope with positions of responsibility a little later in the game. Gives +1 sociability and +1 appearance. |
Studious |
Your sheep is sharp and studious, which allows him to learn a little more quickly than the average and to be favoured in certain situations requiring intelligence. Gives +1 reflexes and +1 intelligence. |
Brawler |
Your sheep is impetuous and turbulent. He does not fear fighting and is physically favoured for combat. Gives +1 strength and +1 reflexes. Allows Tough then Monstrous later on. |
Survivor |
(bonus available only at level 4) This increases considerably the resistance of your sheep to hunger. A survivor sheep will not lose weight, even if he is not fed. |
Resistant |
(bonus obtained on passing level 4) Increases physical resistance (against diseases and poisonings) by 30%. |
Happy |
(bonus obtained on passing level 4) Morale automatically increases day by day(except for particular events). |
Tough |
(bonus obtained on passing on level 4 or level 5) Growth has a bonus of +2% and increases by 25 kg the maximum weight which the animal can reach once an adult. Also allows one to choose the Monstrous bonus/malus later on. |
Total immunity to all spells. |
This is a bonus which all russet-red or pink sheep have. It allows them to be immune to all harmful spells. |
Wasp Cruncher. |
(bonus which one may obtain from passing to level 4 or level 5): When a wasp visits your sheepfold, it will have a one in three chance to meet a sheep having this bonus. The sheep will then try to crush it between its teeth. That gives XP and a morale boost of one. |
Thief. |
Obtainable on reaching level 4 and 5, accessible to the sociable sheep having 1 point minimum in reflexes. Allows the sheep to steal items from other inventories. Watch out however, of tar and feathers! |
Lover |
Allows more frequent reproductions. +2 appearance, -2 sociable, +1 Strength, +1 resistance to poison. Bonus available at passage to level 5. |
Good Student |
+1 intelligence. Bonus available at passage to level 5 (good student does not get any more XP) |
Addict |
Caused by an excessive dose of anti-depressants, this malus, which lasts a few days, causes a strong instability in morale. |
Pregnant |
This malus is ambivalent, it is at the same time a malus and a bonus. It appears in pregnant ewes and in rams awaiting the birth of their offspring: The ewe is weakened by its pregnancy and has a physical malus of 30% resistance. It adds 2 points onto morale and causes the sheep to gain a little extra weight. This effect is temporary and morale falls again at the time of birth. However your ewe will not suffer from the "baby blues". |
Intoxication/Poisoning |
Caused by poisonous mushrooms (red and white). Lasts for 3 days. Causes loss of weight and morale. For each day of its effect there is a chance that the sheep vomits, which dirties its wool and its shelter, makes him lose weight and become unhappy. |
Lice |
Sheep can catch this charming parasite on a walk. This vermin tends to strongly decrease the commercial value of a sheep's wool (malus of -5 on your note of quality). Fortunately lice disappear of their own accord after 9 days. An anti-lice shampoo is available from the pharmacy to rid your animal of its undesirable hosts. The veterinary surgeon can also carry out total disinfection of your flock. |
Cold |
Sheep can catch a cold whilst taking a walk in the rain. A cold causes a slight decrease in weight each day (-0.2 kg/day). It can be cured without treatment on its own (each day there is a 1 in 4 chance that the cold is cured). Very effective anti-cold pills are available at the pharmacy and the marketplace has them too for a moderate price. |
Wool Quality | Black and speckled sheep have a malus on the quality of their wool, which causes them never to reach 20/20 in quality.
Growth |
Certain breeds such as Angoras have a malus of -10% in growth. |
Total immunity from all beneficial spells |
This is a malus which all russet-red or pink sheep have. They cannot benefit from any beneficial magic spells. |
Poor Magician |
This is a malus which all russet-red or pink sheep have. These sheep have only a -50% chance to succeed when casting a spell. |
Tarred and Feathered |
A punishment reserved for sheep who have been caught with their hands in the bag! Duration is 20 days. Minus 3 in appearance (reversed once the malus is gone), wool reverts to the lowest quality and minus 5 in morale. |
Malnutrition |
Caused by the lack of attention and food, a sheep not fed for several days could become the victim of malnutrition. This malus can have an impact on morale, wool quality, strength becomes 0, can cause the loss of certain characteristics and the death of the sheep in the case of diseases. It disappears when the sheep is well fed again for several days. |