The Enchanted Shop
Last updated 2 April 2009.

[Royal Sheep] The Enchanted Shop enables you to obtain rare Moutonking items for a little real money.

You can find it by clicking on the icon [coins]

If you have problems using the Enchanted Shop, please visit the Audiotel help page.

How to Use

1. Choose an item. The items available can vary from one place to another.

2. Click on your country's picture.

3. Choose, on the right, your means of payment (telephone or SMS).

The cost varies approximately 1.50 to 2 euros.

Note your code in all cases, because it is necessary for you to have it, in the event of a problem! If you thank you encounter any problems please contact: [contact address] or [contact address] :)

Happy shopping!


[purse] Purse of fetis of various amounts according to your level or the presence of a bonus ticket.
[token] Token. Tokens are large very rare pieces of gold, which can be used to make certain special purchases. At the Enchanted Shop, a token is equivalent to a code and makes it possible to make a purchase. The gold token can also be used as currency at the auctions or in the general store in order to buy a luxury net.


[cabbage] Superb cabbages give a little variety and replace hay. 33% more nutrition than bio hay and 60% that of standard hay! Can be resold at the market.
[carrots] Carrots are delicacies which can make a sheep of level 1 gain almost 1 kilo of weight! Not resaleable.
[gingerbread] Batch of delicacies. Delicacies can be sent to sheep in royal careers, their chances of permission are then increased and they gain a little weight according to their level.


[satchels] Large satchels allowing you to carry more items with you during a move! Up to 50 items, according to the level of the sheep that wears it. Not resaleable.
[incense sticks] Incense always available from the Enchanted shop used during travel. If you have some already, think about taking it with you on a trip, it is not usable if it stays behind in the sheepfold. It makes it possible for the whole of your group to traverse 105 kilometers further per day than usual. The batch consists of 7 sticks, 15 kilometers per stick. Not resaleable at auction.
[incense sticks] Incense always available from the Enchanted shop used during travel. If you have some already, think about taking it with you on a trip, it is not usable if it stays behind in the sheepfold. It makes it possible for the whole of your group to traverse 120 kilometers further per day than usual. The batch consists of 4 sticks, 30 kilometers per stick. Not resaleable at auction.


[shell] Shell from the Sea of Spray: To currently use on an animal in Royal careers. The animal is then highly likely to obtain special permission in order to visit your sheepfold (approximately one in ten chance per day). This shell comes from the area called Embruns. Some claim that it is magic, but others believe that it does nothing but cause melancholy from listening to the sound of the sea that one hears by holding it to one's ear.
Good conduct: you can send 4 additional creatures to Royal careers.
Good sleuth: you know the maximum bids of the other bidders in the auction room.
Luxury Net: This net, which has a 120 day lifespan, is more resistant than the standard net. It allows one to catch insects when on a walk. But, being luxurious, you can imprison larger insects.
Personal guardian: Jacob's daughter, a trainee vet, deals with your sheep during your absence (veterinary care and vaccinations free, shearing, harvest of the field, care etc).

When you have already dealt with your sheep during the course of a day, the guardian is satisfied with their care. When you did not visit them, or placed your account "on holiday", he/she takes care of the following: In all the cases, come evening she looks after the following diseases for free: scabies, milk fever, diarrhoea, lice and worms. Finally she vaccinates automatically and walks the sheep if you did not already do it during the day.

Note: When the shepherd does not return to see his sheep for 10 consecutive days, the account is automatically placed on holiday, as usual. Nevertheless, the Jacob's daughter continues to look after the sheep even in this case, until the end of service (or 30 days).

Magic and Wellbeing

[voodoo sheep doll] A frightening weapon to torture enemies, for use with wool thieves.
[bottle of 10 mana] Bottle of 10 mana: Restores 10 points of mana. For use on a low level magician.
[bottle of 50 mana] Bottle of 50 mana: Restores 50 points of mana. For use on experienced magicians (magic level above 3).
[bottle of mana] Bottle of 120 mana: Restores 120 points of mana. For use on very experienced magicians (magic level above 6).
[beehive] A hive is sold with bees. Produced honey can be resold or be used to defend oneself against harmful insects.
[super mushroom] Super mushrooms: cause morale to go up instantly to 19.7/20, out-no-claims bonus. Resaleable at the market.
[super shampoo] Super shampoos: cause the quality of wool to go up instantly to 19.7/20, out-no-claims bonus. Resaleable at the market.
[four leaf clover] Four leaf Clover: edible bonus resaleable at the market, gives chance to the animal (for an unlimited time), and to its owner (for 15 days).
Goldendust: double duration of spells of the magician who uses the contents of this bottle for 1 week. It seems to contain small stars but it is actually the powdered horn of golden sheep.

Certain other potions are available occasionally:

[bottle of mana] Bottle of 50% mana: restores 50% of magic energy according to the level of the magician.
[bottle of mana] Bottle of 100% mana: restores 100% of magic energy according to the level of the magician
Original French version written by chrys from Moutonking on 27 July 2006. Translated on 26th December 2006 by barbmac.