Magic for Dummies
[magic school]

Step-by-Step Starting Magic Guide

Want a wizard in your flock but don't know how to get started? Or have you just sent off your sheep to magic school but don't have the faintest idea of how to proceed afterwards? Relax you've come to the pictorial how-to-start-magic guide!

How do I get a sheep that can study Magic?

OK, you need a sheep with at least one point of intelligence. You can gain that passing to Level 2. You must choose the 'attentive' option:

[choosing studious]

You can also gain an intelligence point upon entering Level 3, so if your sheep is sociable or a brawler it can still train in magic if you give it one intelligence point later on.

If you now go to your sheepfold you will see a new icon has appeared next to your sheep's name, it looks like a book with a wand:

[magic school icon]

If you click on this icon then you will have the option to send your little darling off to Magic School.


Note if at the time you send your sheep to Magic School you don't have enough fetis, then you won't be able to send your sheep away. If you later have enough fetis you will see a message similar to that above, saying that your sheep's tuition is to be subsidised by the Kingdom, so in effect it won't cost you so much after all. The amount varies according to the magic level of your sheep (as each time it gains enough spell-casting experience to gain another magic level it will need to return to Magic School.)

OK so you have scraped up the funds to send your sheep to Magic School... click on the pay link and you will see the following:

[paying for magic school]

Your sheep has literally gone, it won't be in the sheepfold. After one day (at level one magic) your sheep will return. The length of time your sheep is away for gets longer as your sheep progresses in his/her magic studies. During the time your sheep is away is doesn't need feeding, nor can it be harmed by anyone's spells.

The next day (or however long it is your sheep is away for) you will find your sheep back in the sheepfold and there will be a level up sign there:

[magic level up link]

Once you've clicked on the link, you will get the following message:

[level up message]

I've got a Magician Sheep, now what?

So your sheep has returned fresh from Magic School and you want to start casting spells! Well not so fast, to do so you will need a Magic Cave! They don't come cheaply either, costing 200 fetis to purchase.

[buy magic cave]

Once you have done so you will see the Magic Cave displayed on the right hand side of your sheepfold.

[magic cave]

Want to go and do some magic now? Well, enter your magic so many new things to learn about there! OK let's go through everything a little at a time.

The Magic Cave

[first view of magic cave]

What is that French written at the top right, you ask? Well roughly translated it says:

"You arrive in a sort of underground cave, which does not feel very reassuring. In front of you is a small bench for magic, but you haven't yet got anything with which to do magic!"

There are several areas to become acquainted with.
Written on 28 March 2007 by barbmac.