Royal Careers
[mk from space]

Royal Careers

The kingdom of Moutonking is entirely dependent on the breeding of sheep, and it very often recruits sheep endowed in one field or in another, whether it is for wool, for war or other specialisations. When a sheep is sold within the kingdom in this way, one says that he/she embarked on a royal career.

Once sold, an animal no longer stays with its stockbreeder, but because of the special bond which links the shepherd and his old animal, the breeder nevertheless receives news of his former sheep and what he is doing.

The shepherds can send 4 sheep to careers per month, including a maximum of 2 lambs. Beyond this, the kingdom agrees to take them, but for free.

Outcome of having a royal career:
[It should be noted that when an animal is taken to the slaughter house, which is a special category of career, its alignment goes down in a negative direction, towards bad. This may be considered either as an advantage or a disadvantage according to what the breeder seeks.]

When a sheep-fold consists of less than 6 sheep, it is possible to send them to careers, on the condition that there are still 5 sheep remaining in the sheep-fold.

If there are more than 20 sheep in the sheep-fold, the breeder is obliged to send the excess to careers, or else pay a fine. This fine is (1 fetis X the number of sheep too many X the number of days which have passed), unless he has obtained a special permit.

Here are the royal careers available at the moment:
Original French version written on 28 July 2006 by chrys.
Translated on 18th October 2006 by barbmac.