Last updated 5 April 2009.

[new horns] Horns start to grow at level 3, when the sheep weighs 45 kilos. They are used specially in attack and as a means of defence for the sheep, but can be dangerous in a herd.

The horns grow at different rates according to the breed of sheep, and are shorter in the females. They also have a variable strength. The parameters are presented below for the three basic races.

Basic Sheep

Breed Length Strength Growth - Ram Growth - Ewe
Black sheep Long Fragile 1.5 cm/day
(60 cm max.)
0.4 cm/day
(10 cm max.)
Angora sheep Short Solid 0.75 cm/day
(30 cm max.)
0.2 cm/day
(10 cm max.)
White sheep Average Average 1 cm/day
(40 cm max.)
0.3 cm/day
(10 cm max.)

Other breeds resulting from reproduction:

Breed Strength Maximum Length Growth
Golden sheep 3 (gold horns) 30 0.2cm/day
Speckled Sheep 2 90 0.5cm/day
Nougat Sheep 2 40 0.3cm/day
Pink Sheep/Red Sheep 2 40 0.3cm/day

Horns wear out over time, mainly during fights. A sheep that is tired and has worn horns is more likely to break its horns, in which case the fight finishes immediately. When a horn is broken, it is necessary to go in the veterinary surgeon to look after the animal. The horns will then grow back at the normal rate.

From level 4, if your ram has not yet reached its maximum horn length, you can give him a special horn food called magic crystals. These crystals lengthen the horns of a sheep to the maximum size for the breed. Beware ! This does not work with ewes !
[long horns]
Original French version written by chrys at Moutonking on 26 July 2006.
Translated on 24th October 2006 by barbmac.