Last updated 2 April 2009.

[field] Each stockbreeder can buy a field for 20 fetis. It is not possible to have more than one. In this field, you can plant various crops producing hay, biological hay, flowers or mushrooms.

Take note, however, the various crops grow according to different conditions. It is necessary to take care to comply with certain rules, especially according to the weather!

Item Description Price
[plant] Allows you to sow grass in order to produce hay or biological hay. These seeds are the only ones that the kingdom provides to you, if you to wish to plant other crops, it will be necessary to go to the herbalist. 9 fetis
[fertiliser] Adds manure so that the hay grows twice as fast. In this case, you will collect normal hay, not organic (biological) hay. These two hays do not have same the characteristics.
See the article Food
7 fetis
[harvest] The peasants of the kingdom offer you their help in order to harvest what you have sown. Pay attention to the weather that may sometimes destroy or reduce harvests. However,different crops do not follow the same rules. free


Influence of the weather on harvests

The weather changes every day (and may also change during the course of a day) and this influences the growth and the harvest of your field, the cleanliness of your shelter and the chance of your sheep catching a disease whilst on a walk.

[sunny] Sunny : The whole field is harvested (produces 10 bundles of normal hay), except for mushrooms which do not comply with these rules.
[cloudy] Cloudy : The whole field is harvested,except for mushrooms which must be collected in rainy weather.
[rain] Rain : Only 80% of the field is harvested (8 bundles) and the shelter is dirtied a little more quickly. This time is favorable for the harvest of mushrooms.
[stormy] Storm : Only 40% of the field is harvested (4 bundles) and the shelter is dirtied quickly.
[snow] Snowstorm : Impossible to harvest, the field doesn't grow, and the shelter is dirtied quickly.
Original French version written by chrys on 26 July 2006.
Translated on 18 June 2008 by barbmac.