The Post Office
The post office is used to send letters.

Using one of the Kingdom"s stamps, you can send a letter to the correspondent of your choice.

When you receive a new letter, you will receive a notifier in the sheep-fold (at the bottom right).

To format messages

In your messages you can use smilies, colours, fat etc. Here is a list of the usable elements:

Text which you type How it will appear
[b]Moutonking[/b] Moutonking
[i]Moutonking[/i] Moutonking
[u]Moutonking[/u] Moutonking
[s]Moutonking[/s] Moutonking
Moutonking[sub]2[/sub] Moutonking2
Moutonking[sup]2[/sup] Moutonking2
[color=blue]Moutonking[/color] Moutonking
[align=right]right[/align] a paragraph aligned to the right
[center]paragraphe centré[/center]
a centered paragraph

To test these functions you can send yourself a message.

Here an example of a message in BBcode:

Hello !
I am going to learn to write in [ color=blue]colour[/color ].
I can also write in [ b]smilies[/b ] :)
See you later.


Hello !
I am going to learn to write in colour.
I can also write in smilies
See you later.

Original French version written by chrys on 27 July 2006.
Translated on 21 February 2007 by barbmac.