Combat Arena
[Battle Arena] Every village and city that wants to can build a combat arena for its inhabitants.

The matches are friendly, thus the worst that can happen are some wounds or a sprained ankle. Nevertheless that gives experience with combatants. The arenas are not reserved solely for brawlers any longer, from now on one can use special magic and abilities there.

How to Use the Battle Arena

Once you are in the centre of your village, select the Arena. To enter, click on the link Battle Arena. If you do not see this place, perhaps your village did not build it yet. In this case, why not write to your town hall to suggest it?
Once you arrive in the arena you will be presented with a list of your sheep.
Here are the different columns (note that you can sort by level, name, class and so on with a simple click on the title of the column):
  • A selection box, to choose a unit
  • Icon of the unit: pink for females, blue for males, with a small portrait
  • Class of unit: for example Brawler
  • Level of unit: varies from now on from 1 to 20
  • Name of the unit
  • Weight
  • Experience Bar: when the bar is entirely yellow the unit can increase to the next level
  • Class of armour: represents the defence of the unit. By default it is 10
  • Percentage of life: varies from 0 to 100%
  • Life bar: when the bar is entirely green the unit has all its life points. The units start at 6 life points and this maximum increases with each level.
  • Energy: the level of tiredness of the unit

At the bottom of the list you will find the following buttons:

[ready] Indicates that one wishes to fight with the selected units.
[healing] Ask for the Arena nurse to treat the wounds of the selected animals. If an animal is already at maximum health it will not be treated and you will not be charged.
[red flowers] Give red flowers from your inventory to your units to reduce their tiredness. The number in the lower part (x3) is the number of red flowers that you have at your disposal in your inventory.
You will need to then select between 1 to 5 sheep. You have chosen? All you need to do is click on the button "Ready" to launch the search for your future adversary.

Then the battle begins. Prepare to fight!

[Searching for opponent]

If you do not manage to find an adversary

Unfortunately it can happen that you do not fint any adversaries. If this is the case and you are impatient (for example at the end of one or two minutes), you can check the level of other groups in search of combat.

To do that, check the level of your group that is posted in the bar at the bottom of the screen.

On the example below the level of the group is 7.9.

Click on the button Show group levels as indicated on the image below:

[Show Groups]

After one or two seconds a small graph should be posted.

  • The Y-coordinate (top to bottom axis) shows the various levels of the groups: 0,1,2,3..., 8
  • The X-coordinate (left to right axis) shows the number of groups corresponding to a certain level: 0,1

Thus in this example we have a group at level 2, and another (ours probably) at level 8. However level 8 is too strong for level 2, it is necessary that you take a stronger unit to be able to face the other player!

Most of the time you will not need to use this graph but if you play at a high level that few people have reached, then that can prove to be practical.

OK it's started! What happens next?

Basic rules:
  • Your group is always shown in the six boxes at bottom of the battle field. Count your sheep, are they all there?
  • Play goes turn by turn: that means that sometimes it is your turn, and that sometimes on the other hand you must wait until the other person plays
  • When it is your turn a sign Get ready! appears and the edges of the battle field become outlined in orange. From this moment it is your turn. You will have a few dozen seconds to play! (time remaining is shown at the top right).
  • When it is your turn, click on one of your units to begin its actions
  • A unit at 0 points of life is KO (knocked out)
  • The fight is completed only when one team still has units upright!

Understanding Unit Information

Here is what a unit looks like on the battle field, we show the various zones by numbers which we explain below:

[Unit Information]
  • 1. Picture of the unit: sex is shown by color, breed is shown by an image.
  • 2. Team colour: if you are in the same team as another player (playing with more than 3 people) your units will have the same colour as his.
  • 3. Main bonus: in general it is about the class of the unit. However sometimes if a bonus is strategically very important (for example a unit having received a spell to hit on the next turn) it will temporarily replace class. You can show the secondary bonus by clicking on this zone.
  • 4. Unit Level: This small number in white is difficult to read but it indicates the level of the unit. In this case we have to make do with a level 1 Thief.
  • 5. Unit Name.
  • 6. Life Bar: Here we see the unit has 4 life points out of a possible 6 maximum.

How to play when it's your turn

Many things will tell you that it's your turn:
  • The notifier "Get ready" has just appeared on your screen
  • The edges of the battle field are outlined in orange
  • The stopwatch at the top right has appeared and time is counting down
  • Your units will have a bluish tinge
  • When you hover your mouse's cursor over your units, the blue edge is thicker than usual.
It is your turn?

OK, well click on the unit that you wish to use (you know that you can click when there is a thick blue outline). The unit menu appears.

You should then choose either to make a direct attack, or to cast a spell or even to defend the unit (that gives a bonus if it is attacked next time and causes it to regain a little energy).


If you choose an attack or a spell, you will have to click on an enemy sheep to launching the attack. The result of your attack appears in the dialogue box where you will also be able to talk to your adversaries.

Useful information

  • You can choose up to 5 sheep to fight. But you will not necessarily face an adversary who has the same number of sheep!
  • Two sheep of equal level will be approximately equal in the Arena, whether they are Sociable, a Brawler or Studious.
  • In the same way the value of a group of sheep is evaluated by a total level. A group of level 8 has about the same strength as only one sheep of level 8.
  • For the moment, sheep are placed automatically on the battle field. The referee tries to position the sheep having lower life points, in particular magicians, at the back, well-protected in the second line.
  • Direct attacks, like horn blows, can only be carried out on a sheep directly facing you. It will thus be necessary to start by beating the sheep of the first line to be able to touch those of in the second line.
Changes in Brief Combat Reference Manual

Original French version Moutonking.
Translated on 5 April 2009 by barbmac.