First Steps
When you begin the game you must firstly choose a sheep. You have 350 fetis (the currency of Moutonking) to begin with.

There are initially three breeds of sheep from which you can choose. These are:

Breed Purchase Price Characteristics
[white lamb] Standard white sheep 200 fetis Balanced
[black lamb] Black sheep 230 fetis fast growth, poor wool quality
[angora lamb] Angora sheep 235 fetis good wool quality, fragile


Once you have chosen your sheep, you arrive in your sheep-fold. From there you will have access to 2 very important places, the town and the royal meadows (walk):

[town] The town, where you will find the shops, battle arena, marketplace, and Jacob, the brave guard of the sheep. More about this later.
[walk] The green meadows which the kingdom places at the disposal of the stockbreeders for a moderate price. One walk maximum per day.

Links from the sheepfold.

Original French version written by chrys on 26 July 2006.
Translated on 19th October 2006 by barbmac.