This information awaiting update due to new combat system.


The Arena is a place where each stockbreeder can present a sheep of level 2 or more to fight other animals.

At the time of these confrontations the winner gains experience points (XP), and the two animals tire themselves.

Fights are shown turn by turn, and according to the characteristics, the combat potential (km No), the life points and the tiredness of each adversary.

The best fighters are those with the highest XP.

Progress of a Fight

The sheep which starts the fight is the one who has the best reflexes, and if both are equal then it is random who starts first.

The fight is held as a succession of calculations constituting attacks, defence and calculation of blows.

When a sheep's life points are less than or equal to 0, it is K.O. (knocked out) and its adversary is declared the winner.

Details of calculations

planeattack = randomNo + reflexes + brawler + weapons

planedefence = randomNo + reflexes + brawler

damage = (planeattack - planedefence + 1 + (weightatt - weightdef)/10 + strengthatk + damage weapons - constitutiondef - protection + malus tiredness)

where :
  • randomNo : a random number between 1 and 10

  • brawler : 1 if the sheep is brawler, 0 if not

  • horn damage : numbers between 0 and 7 depending on the length of the horns

  • weightatk : weight of the attacker

  • weightdef : weight of the defender

  • constitutiondef : index of constitution of the defender

  • protection : zero at the outset, then depends on various no-claims bonuses (various types of protection will be established later)

  • malus of tiredness : varies from 1 to 10 according to the level of tiredness (1=tired, 5=exhausted, 10=dead with tiredness)

Useful items for fighting

  • Magic crystals which make horns grow to their maximum length are an invaluable asset for fighters who are not yet level 4 with large horns.

  • Red flowers wake the sheep when it eats them. They are useful for sheep undergoing a malus because of their tiredness level.

Useful bonuses for fighting

  • Brawler : gives a net advantage

  • Good pupil : 30 % extra XP on top of that normally earned

  • Tough/Monstrous : considerably increases the maximum weight of the animal

  • It is also possible to cast spells which modify the characteristics of the opponent

For a more detailed guide see the Fights page
Original French version written by chrys on 27 July 2006.
Translated on 2 January 2007 by barbmac.