The Chatroom

How to join Tchat

To join Tchat, you can download Mkchannel at this address or be connected via the market town.

[finding the chatroom]

To join a Room

You need to type in this order: /join #channel

Management of the name

To change the room's name just type: /nick namerequired

List of the official rooms

The official rooms are:

Create your own room!

To create your own room, it is first necessary to be sure that your nickname is registered. Then join the new room by typing /join #newroomname. This makes you a channel operator in this room. The room should not already be registered. Then, type: /msg chanserv register #newroomname pass description

newroomname is the name of the room.
pass is the password which will be allocated to the room.
description is a short description of the room.

You can now manage your own room :)

Original French version written by chrys on 26 July 2006.
Translated on 21 February 2007 by barbmac.