Before Leaving

Travel 2: Before Leaving

Before Leaving If you want to be able to carry some items it is necessary to equip bags onto your lovely sheep. In so much qu_elevor you can indeed carry some items but not more than twenty.

There are currently 2 models of bags:

  Name Capacity Price Where to buy
[satchel] Satchel 20 items approx.20 fetis at the drugstore
[luxury bag] Luxury Bag 60 items 1 token for 5 bags at the Enchanted Shop

Certain items are larger and take up more space (for example hay takes 4 spaces, that is the maximum). See table "Obstruction objects".

To equip a bag:
  • Go to your sheepfold
  • Click on the sheep you wish to equip
  • Click on the bag
And it's done!

If you intend to move : take all your animals, and the maximum number of items with you, or else you will have to pay repatriation for the missing animals and items, which may prove to be expensive.

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Original French version written by alex on 2007.
Translated on 10 December 2007 by barbmac.