Last updated 5 April 2009.
The characteristics are noted by points which can go from -5 (in red) to +5 (in blue).
Physical Resistance (Strength)
The old characteristic physical resistance becomes more important than before in combat. It is indeed about the value for the throw of safeguard of fortitude (in English). That means that when a spell requires the throw of a die to determine if one resisted an event utilising physical receipt, this characteristic is used.
This is particularly the case for spells such as poisoning, disease, change to stone, freezing, etc. Note that for poisons another characteristic is added to the physical score of resistance to reinforce it: resistance to poison.
Previously physical resistance was at 100, now it is only one value starting with the default at 0 and going up gradually with level.
If a sheep is stronger it will have an advantage during fights to cause more damage.
Strength is also used to determine the maximum speed of an animal and the quantity of things that he can carry.
It can gain strength points by choosing them at the time of the passing to a higher level or by choosing the characteristic of Brawler which gives and additional 1 point.
Golden sheep automatically have a malus of one strength point.
The bonus reflexes points are taken into account in fights for defence and attack.
These are useful in all situations where it is important to have quick reflexes and in particular:
- for the acquisition of the bonus 'Devourer of wasps' at level 4 or 5 (2 minimum in reflexes)
- for the acquisition of the bonus 'Thief' at level 4 or 5 (sociable character +1 minimum in reflexes)
One can gain reflex points by choosing them at the time of passing to a higher level or by choosing the characteristic of Brawler or Studious (Attentive) which give 1 point of additional reflex.
Nougat sheep automatically have a bonus of one reflex point.
Bonus constitution points are taken into account during fights in order to calculate life points and also for the defence of the unfavourable sheep against attack.
They are also used to determine:
- the endurance of the sheep during a long walk
- the maximum weight
- the speed of healing
One can gain constitution points by choosing them at the time of passing to a higher level. Speckled sheep automatically have a no-claims bonus of one constitution point.
Speckled sheep automatically have a bonus of one constitution point. Nougat sheep automatically have a malus of one constitution point.
Bonus intelligence points make it possible for a sheep to practice magic.
They also make it possible to find out the letters of usernames of the people who sought to poison them.
One can gain intelligence points by choosing them at the time of passing to a higher level or by choosing the Studious (attentive) character.
Golden sheep automatically have a bonus of one intelligence point.
Appearance characterises how the sheep appears to others. The more appearance points, the more it is considered to be beautiful.
One can gain appearance points by choosing them at the time of the passing to a higher level or by choosing the Sociable character at the time of passing to level 2, which will give an additional appearance point.
Sociability points are mainly used to determine the coherence of the flock or group, and determines its capacity to remain cohesive in the event of danger.
One can gain sociability points by choosing them at the time of passing to level 2, which will give an additional point of sociability, or by choosing them at the time of passing to a higher level.
Golden sheep and Nougats automatically have a malus of one sociability point. Speckled sheep automatically have a malus of two sociability points. Pink and Russet-red sheep automatically have a bonus of one sociability point.
Chance is a hidden characteristic, modifiable by certain rare objects, such as a four-leafed clover.
Chance affects all the throws of dice that take place in the game (except, for the moment, going for a walk).
It acts mainly in:
- combat (critical hits, damage and blows)
- cast spells
- determining if a thief succeeds
- whether a harmful spell is resisted or not
- whether a mushroom is resisted
In villages, chance will be useful in particular during travel, to know if one is attacked whilst camping or comes across corrupt guards at the entry of a village.
Domination is a hidden characteristic, determining the cohesion of a flock. In Moutonking a group has dominant elements (ring leaders), sociable animals (obey their leaders, and thus allow good cohesion) and asociable (are very disobedient, can bring disorder).
Cohesion determines the level of protection that benefits the weakest members in a group against the attacker. In general the malignant attackers attack the weakest, and a group with little cohesion will thus badly defend its weak members. On the other hand a group with strong cohesion will be much more difficult to attack.
To optimize cohesion, it is important to have some dominant animals (equipped with the dominant bonus), and some sociable animals. The negative points of sociability cancel the effect of the positive points. If domination does not have any sociability points available to be activated, then cohesion will be catastrophic due to several dominant animals.
Sheep obtained by crossing (Golden, Speckled, Nougat and Pink) have a general malus in sociability.
Note: It is possible to increase group cohesion during travel by choosing the
Good Master speciality.
Original French version written by chrys on 26 July 2006.
Translated on 20th October 2006 by barbmac.